It is inevitable that all children learn through play and it is our duty as educators to provide as much opportunity for this as possible, to ensure that all children grow and develop accordingly. We are extremely lucky here at Willowbrook that we have the most wonderful space indoors and outdoors to explore all learning in different environments. When searching for my dream nursery location I always imagined freedom. Endless amounts of space and freedom to be whoever they want to be.
Children are comforted by a calm home away home environment with a wonderful outdoor space to run, laugh, build, climb and discover. Willowbrook is exactly that and so much more!
Here at the nursery the children will have a wide range of activities and adventures to explore each day that will nurture their individual needs and love of learning inside and outside come rain, sunshine or snow.
8.30am - Good Morning Everyone!
8:30am - 10am - Registration and circle time followed by various continuous provision activities ranging from themed activities, water play, sand play, painting, free flow outdoor play, dancing, singing, floor toys, table activities, musical instruments etc.
During this period your child's key person is also able to carry out their focus/planned activities.
10am - Snack Time
10.30am - Focus of the day (dance, art, language, fitness, yoga, singing) and Free Play indoor and outdoor
11:45am - Tidy up time
12pm - Lunch
12.45pm - Afternoon Registration followed by various afternoon activities, forest school, sleep time in our bespoke Sleep Room and Continuous provision indoor and outdoor
2.30pm - Snack time
3pm - Hometime
3:30pm - 5pm - Afternoon extra curricular activity (Cooking, drama, music etc)
5pm - Tea Time
5:30pm - 6pm - Circle time (story time, group discussion, show and tell etc)
6pm - Hometime…
The timetable is adapted based on your child’s/children’s room/age group. The baby room will include nap times, nappy changes, sensory play, baby yoga and more frequent feeding based on your child’s needs.
The pre-school room will include phonics, maths, literacy and getting ready for big school. These activities will be fitted into a slightly more structured day.